Snapshots & Silhouettes

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Beauty in the Blur

They say the long view is the one which lends itself to the appropriate perspective. Something about hindsight.

Much as we (I) might hate the cliché, the fact is there’s simply no substitute for time and the objectivity it brings to situations that at one point seemed so utterly black and white.

So what is the proper interval needed to acquire this much sought-after wisdom?

Logic says we are all constantly evolving within our respective circumstances, reassessing our situations and making countless choices of varying significance along the way to… what, exactly?

Perhaps some fairy tale version of fulfillment, the perfect balance of pleasure and responsibility, companionship and solitude, adventure and inner peace.

The hope that, one day, we’ll have somehow “figured it all out” is about as idealistic as the notion that anyone’s life is truly as perfect as it appears to the outside eye.

We are all on our own unique journey, learning from our mistakes and battling for relevance, one painstaking day at a time.

May as well enjoy the view in the meantime.

Published: November 15, 2019