Pick Up a Pebble
Today marks my six-month anniversary at Morey Creative Studios—a tiny milestone compared to the 13 years, three months and 29 days celebrated at the ol’ South Bay, but significant nonetheless.
It’s funny, the way particular dates seem to repeatedly resonate through the years. Scrolling through my “Memories” on Facebook, I came across another marker of sorts from just four short years ago, heralding the publication of my 499th column. The title, fittingly enough, was “Shifting the Stones,” and it began with a quote from Confucius:
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
Such is the principle on which all progress—however glacial the pace—is based. Each day is its own opportunity to take steps, even tiny ones, in a direction better suited to the future we envision. Some, such as moving to a new city or changing careers, may seem drastic; but really, these are no more momentous than choosing to begin the morning by exercising and eating a healthy breakfast.
It’s all perspective.
Just as the waves continuously shift the sand at the shoreline, so does life have its own ebb and flow. Some days are better than others. People cross our paths, and just as quickly set out on their own. Our outlooks continue to evolve. But, in experiencing this natural course of things, we continue to press onward.
Today may be a milestone of sorts for me, but this is not to say tomorrow will be any less significant, or the next, or the day after that.
The next pebble awaits its destination.
Published: March 4, 2019