All in In Step with Jamie Lynn
500. It’s a pretty big number. Nearly ten years’ worth of weekly columns under the moniker “In Step,” a title suggested by my dear friend, co-worker and “agent” of sorts, since passed, Peter Schleifer. It was meant to be a take off on my - at that point - 13 years of dancing and the idea that, somehow, I could find a way to engage our weekly readership with my random ramblings and musings on life.
Confucius said, "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." Such is the principle of proactivity based upon, of taking small steps to advance great lengths, ultimately. The key, of course, it to begin the process.
Let me start off by saying, accidents happen. We all have our moments of distraction on the road. Add to that heightened tension due to weather conditions (even if said conditions don’t happen to be a factor at the time, but we’re giving the benefit of the doubt here), and the forces of human nature mixed with Mother Nature sometimes create catastrophic results.
I have a beach blanket; well, to be clear, it’s more of a moving blanket that has admirably served its purpose on the beach, the grass…pretty much anywhere it’s been needed over the last year and a half. Until last Monday.