Purpose Pending

So says the quotation which greets visitors to my somewhat dormant website, attributed to Anaïs Nin, and oft repeated by would-be philosophers from all walks of life. And that’s really ‘it,’ isn’t it? The main theme that nearly everything in life comes back to. Perception. Reality. And the chasm between them.

I wasn’t planning to write this. Anything, really. The mere thought of trying to encapsulate a year in the life while balancing precariously between chapters {more on that later} seemed all too daunting.

The best thoughts are penned at ungodly hours of the night, pre-dawn musings that tend to tumble out of the brain faster than one’s pointer finger can document them in the iPhone’s ‘notes’ app. Or, at least that’s what I tell myself, as yet another night of sleep is interrupted by random ramblings jostling for position in my subconscious.