
I’m a skeptic. Who’s also very spiritual. A cynic. Who still wants to see the best in people, sometimes to my own detriment. A contradiction of characteristics if ever there was one.

Of Quotes & Convos

I recently came across the quote, ‘expectations are premeditated resentments,’ and it immediately gave me pause. Perhaps because it’s such a true statement. Yet how often do we set ourselves up for these disappointments.

Purpose Pending

So says the quotation which greets visitors to my somewhat dormant website, attributed to Anaïs Nin, and oft repeated by would-be philosophers from all walks of life. And that’s really ‘it,’ isn’t it? The main theme that nearly everything in life comes back to. Perception. Reality. And the chasm between them.

I wasn’t planning to write this. Anything, really. The mere thought of trying to encapsulate a year in the life while balancing precariously between chapters {more on that later} seemed all too daunting.