Days unfold. Weeks evolve. Months seem to draw to their respective conclusions with little fanfare or warning. And before we know it, the holiday decor is being pulled down from the attic, and plans are being outlined for next year.
~ Jimmy Buffet ~
All in The Next Step
Days unfold. Weeks evolve. Months seem to draw to their respective conclusions with little fanfare or warning. And before we know it, the holiday decor is being pulled down from the attic, and plans are being outlined for next year.
This is 39.
The beginnings of it, anyway.
I recently came across an old column from the archives where I saw fit to wax poetic on the oft-repeated concept that ‘birthdays are beginnings’ — though, if we’re being completely honest, every moment serves as a unique opportunity to shift perspective and strive for … something better.
Another month, another column.
Is it even a column anymore? Perhaps a blog. a musing. A collection of random thoughts neatly packaged and shared at irregular intervals.
March 13, 2020. the day the year went on ‘pause,’ indefinitely. For me, it began the evening before, with a mad dash to collect any essentials from my office in preparation to work from home ‘for the next two weeks,’ merely as a precaution, with the promise to reconvene at the start of April.