So Operation: Explore NYC on Foot was a success. Mostly. This time, we decided to mix a little mass transit in to maximize our time spent experiencing the cultural offerings. You would think that would have eliminated some of the mileage; but, at day’s end, my handy app determined that we had still somehow managed to cover 25,695 steps, or 10.71 miles. Just a walk in the park.


Expanding upon my adventuring-into-NYC theme from last week, clearly, I prefer to get around on foot. Sure, weather can be a factor, or time, but as long as it’s somewhat feasible, walking the city streets can be one of the more enjoyable aspects of exploring Manhattan. Assuming, that is, you have the proper footwear.

Do I speak from personal experience? Why, of course I do. 

500. It’s a pretty big number. Nearly ten years’ worth of weekly columns under the moniker “In Step,” a title suggested by my dear friend, co-worker and “agent” of sorts, since passed, Peter Schleifer. It was meant to be a take off on my - at that point - 13 years of dancing and the idea that, somehow, I could find a way to engage our weekly readership with my random ramblings and musings on life.