I recently shared a humorous {in retrospect} story with a friend, where I felt compelled to leave a raged-induced voicemail {at 1 o’clock in the morning, no less} meant for the maintenance department who handles {‘handles’ being a very generous term} work orders in my apartment complex. Problem was, it wound up in the main corporate mailbox, and was fielded by probably the nicest, most competent woman employed by said corporation. Whoops.

Waiting. It’s something we spend a great deal of our lives doing, whether we realize it or not.

Waiting for return phone calls and text messages. Waiting for acknowledgements, whether of material gifts or those more subtle talents we wish to share with the world. Waiting for plans to be finalized, commitments to be made, progress.

First thought, best thought… a phrase I’ve only recently become aware of, as echoed by none other than Mr. Johnny Depp, in speaking of his profound admiration for poet Allen Ginsberg. But more on that in a moment.

Feedback is a funny thing. Sometimes, quite literally humorous; but often, it provides just the sort of objective perspective you’re seeking. Short of one rather significant piece penned this year {again, hold that thought}, it’s been just about a full revolution around the sun since I’ve managed to craft anything resembling a column. No particular reason; but also, no particular inspiration.