‘I know a girl made of memories and phrases, lives her whole life in chapters and phases…’

~ Jimmy Buffet ~

Hitting Snooze • and other self-made walls.

Anyone else in that precipice-of-spring rut, or just me?

One would think the lingering daylight hours and sun streaked landscapes beckoning blossoms and blades of grass would be a welcome respite from what has been, despite a somewhat disappointing lack of snowfall, a seemingly endless winter slumber. And yet, there’s this feeling of nearly one quarter of the year being over, with little to show for it.

I suppose part of the problem is our societal need to ‘measure’ progress by some imaginary standard, to always be pushing to excel, and exceed, the past.

For me, it’s more of a restless need to wander, to explore, to do and see new things, meet new people and experience… something beyond the norm, I suppose. Maybe I was spoiled last year. Perhaps my hope that the momentum would carry through and continue steamrolling forward was misplaced, and unrealistic.

But, why should it be? We constantly read and hear about people living their ‘best’ lives, doing what they love, and finding passion in their work and play — why not me? Why not all of us? Is it simply luck of the draw? A couple of well-placed connections? Serendipity? So few answers to so many questions.

Of course, the lack of motivation doesn’t help. It’s a classic chicken and egg scenario, a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Zero drive equals little chance of moving forward, but few ‘wins’ leads to a general malaise and absence of drive. And round and round we go.

Plus, on those rare occasions where we do see fit to step out of our respective comfort zones, only to be met with anything from a complete lack of acknowledgment to a firm rejection… well, that certainly doesn’t do much to inspire confidence. Endless opportunities exist, sure; but also, more dead ends than can possibly be counted.

Conditioned as we are to compare our plight to others, of course the next logical step in the spiral is to consult social media for a general pulse of things. What is everyone else doing? Why do they all seem so incredibly busy {read: unavailable}? Is it merely their own respective methods of coping that lead to mindlessly making plans they have no intention of keeping, or have they truly unlocked the secret to finding zen in their concocted surroundings?

My cynicism is willing to bet on the former, but who knows. That would require people to pick up the phone and connect, to offer an honest answer and to drop the façade — a trio of impossible tasks, it seems, in this day and age.

Perhaps it all comes back to expectations — the setting of them, at all. Because, the second you allow yourself to hope that THIS will be the moment, the day, the week, the month, the year… it’s pretty much the kiss of death.

It will be what it will be, to a degree. Sure, some proactivity comes into play. But so do other people. And that, unfortunately, is where most dreams fall apart. Reliance on others and their actions, or inaction, is a lost cause.

So, with that resounding assessment…

Here’s to daylights savings, whatever purpose it serves.

Here’s to the official start of spring, in this era of wacky weather and meaningless markers.

Here’s to the second quarter of the year, and the plans and prospects that will assuredly fall by the wayside before you can say April Fools.

And here’s to optimism.

And, oh yes, irony.

And most importantly, here’s to all those who have the uncanny ability to appreciate the nuances of both.

Two Modes. One Button. Zero Tolerance.

Fun {in the} City