I recently streamed a new series where the term ‘indistinct chatter’ featured prominently in the auto-generated captions. Like, constantly. To the point that it became a punchline. And the inspiration for this column, or the title anyway.
Have you ever noticed when you’re in a crowded venue like a concert hall or restaurant, or even out in the open at a public gathering spot like a beach, that people conduct the most bizarre conversations out in the open — assuming, I suppose, that no one can hear them? It’s as if they all exist in their own respective bubbles, protected from the formalities of polite societal coexistence. But then again, if anyone was to eavesdrop on some of my own conversations with friends, they might have a similar take.
It’s like the notion that children and the elderly have no filter when it comes to expressing exactly what’s on their minds at any given time. The rest of us, well, we tend to internalize until things boil over and cascade into a whirlwind of emotional upheaval. But maybe, just maybe, reflexive reactions are the way to go. There is a sense of free flowing innocence to such an approach, after all. Witness situation. Form opinion. Share said thoughts immediately. Never mind the repercussions. Those will come regardless.
Then there are those who don’t seem to have an original thought, who simply regurgitate whatever the latest common perspective might be about any number of topics, usually while quoting from a host of unreliable sources to bring the point home. Here’s a tip: repeatedly saying the same thing, without taking the time to do your own independent research, does not make you an expert on said subject. And anyone with even the slightest degree of intelligence can vet that sort of thing in an instant. Perhaps you should sit this one out. It’s okay, really. The bandwagon will roll on without you. I promise.
Twitterverse, I’m looking at you.
Speaking of the absolute madness of interacting with a collection of what, at its core, remains a random conglomerate of complete strangers… have you noticed how emboldened people become when commenting on the public posts of celebrities and so-called influencers on social media platforms? At first, I thought it was absurd, pretending to connect over some perceived commonality with someone who will likely never know, or care, that you exist. Until, that is, I got in on the act. And it started to pay dividends.
Slowly, those who I had once admired from afar began liking my comments, responding on occasion and — holy grail of them all — even following my own humble excuse of an account. Who would’ve thought. Sure, many have handlers and PR firms to sort out that whole aspect of the business for them, but others clearly manage their own ‘public’ personas, and it’s refreshing to see the human side of celebrity on occasion. Will we be friends ‘IRL’? Unlikely. But it’s tiny tokens of acknowledgement that make the world seem just a bit smaller sometimes. In the best way.
And with that bit of indistinct chatter and random ramblings, I bid you adieu.
Think original thoughts. Express them. You never know who might befriend you.