Of Quotes & Convos
I recently came across the quote, ‘expectations are premeditated resentments,’ and it immediately gave me pause. Perhaps because it’s such a true statement. Yet how often do we set ourselves up for these disappointments.
Granted, it’s human nature to want things to go well, for efforts to be met with what we deem to be suitable results; but there’s a fine line between doing something for pure recognition and reward vs. because we’re truly passionate and genuinely invested. Respect is non-negotiable. But anything beyond that . . . well, it’s just not something you can control or count on.
This is a topic that’s come up often of late, with family, friends, online acquaintances — that delicate balance between what’s within your power and what’s out of your hands; what you ‘need’ vs. want; the effect others have on your psyche and why leaning into that is often detrimental. And let’s face it, we all know these things. Nothing revolutionary to reveal. But putting them into practice and adjusting our day to day outlook is often a losing battle.
I will always go back to the basics. Communication is key. The ability to have open and honest dialogue, the opportunity to express your concerns and either have them validated or dismissed. It’s a must. No matter the outcome. Collect those thoughts, send the invite, show up and stand up for yourself.
But don’t have any expectations other than clearing your conscience. Everything else is a bonus.
{published: January 16, 2025}