‘I know a girl made of memories and phrases, lives her whole life in chapters and phases…’

~ Jimmy Buffet ~

Hello, It's Me

Hello, it’s me.

I haven’t written in awhile. Two months and 10-odd days, to be precise. But who’s counting? Not me, surely—not until I glance at the calendar and realize, wow, it’s been a bit since I’ve taken the time to thread my meandering thoughts into words.

I suppose not having a weekly deadline to meet will do that to you.

Speaking of, it’s now been just over eight months since I somewhat delicately transitioned from one career into the next, a pretty sizable duration, though it feels like far less. Much has changed over this last two thirds of a year, and much has not.

That’s the funny thing about time. It tends to pass by faster than we can process, but when we actually pause long enough to take stock of the days and weeks that have flown by, it often feels as if we are standing still as much as racing forward into the great unknown.

Not that this is a bad thing. Far more vocal are the complaints by those who implore time to slow down. Turns out, it’s not the minutes that unceremoniously fly by, but rather, our inability to keep up with them that is the problem.

And with that, work should certainly not serve as the sole benchmark of life. As one beloved former teacher, and mentor, recently mused, “If you love your job, you’ll never actually work a day in your life.”

Such are the goals we all aspire too, no matter the career. Only then will time be marked by moments, and experiences, rather than deadlines and endless lists beckoning for our attention.

Above all, it is the people who come into our lives at various points—those family members, friends and coworkers who enrich our being simply by virtue of their mere presence.

And when they’ve gone—to places unknown, or simply moved beyond our immediate circle—the impact they have made is sure to remain, untouched.

Such is the nature of my thoughts on this particular day, midway through May as we head into the summer months in the year 2019. Perhaps I’ll attempt to collect my sentiments into another column in the not-too-distant future.

Only time will tell.

’Til then, ciao for now.

Published: May 14, 2019

Speed Bumps

Pick Up a Pebble