‘I know a girl made of memories and phrases, lives her whole life in chapters and phases…’

~ Jimmy Buffet ~

Puzzle Pieces

Exactly one month ago, I began the next chapter of my career by turning the page on the last and moving forward in pursuit of a peace of mind and a quality of life that had been lacking for far longer than I cared to acknowledge.

They say the only constant is change; but it was precisely that wave of transition I had always been resistant to. To take a leap of faith without knowing where you may land is among the most difficult decisions to make.

But choose I did, ultimately . . . and quite wisely, it seems.

Those who know me well are aware of my strong belief in fate, in the concept of everything happening for a reason and unfolding in such a way as to only be fully understood through the lens of time. Perspective is a gift we often wish we had at crucial turning points in life; but it is only upon reflection that we are able to truly focus in on the big picture.

There is no telling what chain of events might trigger an avalanche of actions down the road. It might be as simple as reconnecting with an old friend over coffee, or as complex as a life-altering set of circumstances. You just never know.

Countless moving parts comprise our lives day to day, “a million little things,” if you will. Analyze each piece on its own, and you will likely come away confused, lost and more than a bit discouraged. It is only when things start to fall into place that the form begins to take shape.

It may be years before the puzzle is complete. But one thing is for sure - we all need to open the box and step out of our respective comfort zones to even have a shot.

One month ago, I took mine, and the bigger picture has been gaining focus every day since. A blank page sits before me, ready for a fresh story . . . one with a happy ending.

Published: October 4, 2018

TGI . . . T? 

The Next Step