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Rough Draft

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

2018, the year that was. For some, a collection of beautiful memories to be cherished as we turn the page and begin anew. For others, a shining example of missteps not to be replicated in the coming year.

For me, a bit of both.

There are those who will say that nothing changes on New Year’s Day. {U2 comes to mind.} And, though I would agree that the date itself is no more significant than any other, self-proclaimed “fresh start,” there is something to the universality of the occasion which seems to hold just a bit more promise.

I recently read an article which intimated that, while no one should realistically expect drastic changes to simply happen overnight, there is something to be said for drawing up a single long-term goal—just one to start—with the express intention of chipping away at it over the next 365 days.

Expectations, even those that seem incredibly manageable, have a way of morphing into disappointments. This is not to say we should abandon all hopes and dreams. But, perhaps, we should temper them with reality. What can we control? Realistically, ourselves.

One small step forward, each day, can amount to substantial strides over the course of 12 months. And, while it may not seem that anything particularly earth shattering is occurring along the way, time will surely tell.

Even if we fall short of our ultimate goal in the end, I would argue that there is a degree of satisfaction to be drawn from coming that much closer than we would have had we not strayed just a bit out of our comfort zone.

Of course, there are also those situations which, much as we might try to remain optimistic and continue to approach from different angles, are simply never going to change. Be it a case of circumstance, or pure stubbornness, it is imperative not to fall prey to the illusion that we have the ability to fix absolutely everything.

2018 has been a year of transition, of change, and of moving forward in many respects. That’s not to say it has been seamless, nor should it necessarily be. Much as I detest the expression, “it is what it is”—the sooner we each learn to embrace that concept in our respective lives, the better we can begin to formulate an approach that works.

Maybe it’s ignoring certain things, a sort of “choose your battles wisely” philosophy. Perhaps it means digging a bit deeper in an effort to stay ahead of potential conflicts before they become full blown obstacles.

Every situation is different, as is each person’s ability to deal with it at any given point in time. Much as we’re inclined to always be on the offensive, there is something to be said for cutting each other, and ourselves, a bit of slack as well.

In just a few short days, 2018 will be but a vague memory, as the avalanche of resolutions takes center stage. But don’t be fooled. All that you accomplished—or fell short of, as the case may be—this past year will remain.

Take from it what you will. Lessons. Warnings. Encouragement. Wisdom. Like it or not, we are the product of each day we live, and are affected by each person who steps into our lives along the way.

To me, there is something strangely comforting about that fact. We are but a part of the blueprint. Let’s see how the structure takes shape in 2019.

Published: December 27, 2018