Wait for It • a random rambling
Waiting. It’s something we spend a great deal of our lives doing, whether we realize it or not.
Waiting for return phone calls and text messages. Waiting for acknowledgements, whether of material gifts or those more subtle talents we wish to share with the world. Waiting for plans to be finalized, commitments to be made, progress.
Even as I write these words, I am waiting for no less than five things to occur, all well outside my control. And that’s the thing, having the wisdom to recognize the many aspects of life we simply cannot dictate. Sure, we can choose to virtually remove ourselves from all contact with civilization — no waiting on anyone or anything at that point — but, assuming you, like me, elect to engage with humanity on occasion, well, best to pull up a chair.
That’s the thing. The more people and experiences we invite in, the more potential to be disappointed by our preconceived notions of how things ‘should’ play out. Much as we may guard against overblown expectations, sometimes, even the bare minimum is simply too much to ask. And, if you’re anything like me, this can periodically lead to a groundswell of negativity, as I go through spiteful spurts of writing those off who fail to respond in kind, if at all.
There are two schools of thought here. Value yourself enough to realize how little regard you’re shown, and refuse to stand for it; or, continue to be the better person by not allowing the failures of others alter your best intentions. Sometimes, it’s a tough call.
There are days when you take a step back and recognize that, were it not for your repeated attempts to keep in touch with friends and relatives, develop relationships with coworkers, or pencil in plans on the virtual calendar, you would likely lead a life of solitude. Depressing, right? And yet, these are the forged {forced?} connections that make up nearly every moment and subsequent memory. Most quite enjoyable, in hindsight. But the stamina to get there, to continue to put in the effort… well, it can be quite the thankless pursuit.
What’s the answer here? I honestly don’t know. Is it me? Do others find themselves pondering these same questions, or is everyone so wrapped up in his or her own self-importance that thoughts of this nature fail to even register on the radar? I’m genuinely curious.
If nothing else, these musings provide a bit of a distraction. While waiting.