Exactly one month ago, I began the next chapter of my career by turning the page on the last and moving forward in pursuit of a peace of mind and a quality of life that had been lacking for far longer than I cared to acknowledge.
~ Jimmy Buffet ~
Exactly one month ago, I began the next chapter of my career by turning the page on the last and moving forward in pursuit of a peace of mind and a quality of life that had been lacking for far longer than I cared to acknowledge.
I promised I would continue to write when I had something to say. Just over one week since I penned my last "official" column for South Bay's Neighbor Newspapers, and the one thing that comes to mind is how very much I do love to write.
I have been putting this off for quite some time. This “final step,” if you will, penning my last column for South Bay.
I told myself I would take my time with this one, write it well in advance of deadline, try to encapsulate everything in one epic, closing chapter. And yet, here I sit – 11:30 p.m. on the eve of my second to last day of work, staring at a mostly blank template as countless thoughts swirl in my brain.
gen•e•sis: the origin or mode of formation of something; evolution, inception
It all began back in elementary school; earlier, even. The clipping in the local South Bay Newspaper heralding the entrance of the Class of 2000...into kindergarten. I was a part of that storied graduating class, and as we progressed through the next dozen or so years of schooling, the various accolades of my fellow Lindy alums would be documented within the pages of our neighborhood paper. My own graduation announcement was featured there, as I moved on from the halls of Lindy High and began my studies in journalism on the opposite shore at the C.W. Post campus of Long Island University.