Snapshots & Silhouettes

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Divided We Stand

For all the talk of social distancing, the wide range of opinions regarding the state of the nation, the planet—pick something—I am continuously struck by the societal divide into two very distinct camps: those who rise to the occasion, and those who remain blissfully ignorant of their role in the bigger picture.

For every person offering his services to shop for an elderly neighbor, every teacher volunteering her expertise to guide parents through the land mine of home schooling, every dance and yoga studio offering virtual classes to students starved for activity, there are those at the opposite end of the spectrum maniacally hoarding groceries and paper goods, spewing venomous opinions at others on social media from behind the protective bubble of their digital screens—and, perhaps most unforgiving of all, those bent on insisting that their particular situation is undeniably the worst of all.

Big picture: we are all affected, and will continue to be; if not by some far flung virus that landed a little too close to home for comfort, than by the lasting economic impact, the potential loss of jobs and housing, the general, overwhelming insecurity we are all, collectively, forced to feel in this moment.

Me, I’m one who likes to make plans, to map out days and weeks and months, to maximize my time and make the most of each minute. I’m also one who cancels a great deal of those plans, who spends weekends wasting away countless hours sleeping in and vegging out, secretly hoping for rain or snow to excuse my chosen path of laziness.

And both are okay.

We each do what we can at any given moment. We handle what comes as best we are able, and we hope to grow stronger with every obstacle thrown our way, each passing day.

Now, more than ever, is the time to be present—to take a deep breath, calm the mind, and know that as much as it may feel as if the world is closing in at times...

It could be worse.
It will change.
We will each be stronger for it.

Stay safe, everyone. 💋

Published: March 18, 2020